Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Doing who you are...not just "being"

We are often encouraged to be all that the Lord has designed us to be. I fully support that idea. But let me introduce a nuance using the following story as an illustration:

There is a woman I have known all of my life – my sister. As kids, I would play “banker” and “business woman” and my mom would bring home forms from work that I could use in my play times. As you may guess, I have the gift of administration and crossing items off of my “to do” list gives me more joy than it probably should. A few years ago, my family was kind of teasing me about some early childhood “business-related” shenanigans I got into, but also pointing out the common themes among my career and volunteer practices which have developed.

My sister, on the other hand, used to do hair. No doll in our home was safe from being styled by her. She had several different types of dolls or styling “heads” over time. She was great at it. I was never interested in any of that.

Today my sister is a hairdresser with a particular specialty that she has studied and she is an innovator in that field. She is AMAZING. And you know what? The joy that she displays in the midst of carrying out her craft is inspiring. The love with which she serves and ministers to her clients is unique and admirable. The creativity and innovation that arises from her is impressive!

All of this is because my sister is DOING what the Lord designed within her. She is an incomparable hair guru! When she was younger, our parents may have simply thought, “She really likes dolls.” or “She has fun combing doll hair.” They may not have recognized that this was the outflow of her design. The Father, who chose her before the foundation of the earth because He knew her before He formed her in our mother’s womb and had a plan for her, was being glorified even in the actions of a 9 year old child! He was being glorified as His gifting and calling was on display. And now a few decades later, she is fully DOING what she is.

There is nothing like seeing God’s anointed one moving according to the Father’s unique design!

Do you know what the Lord’s design is for you? Do you know why you have been created? Do you know who you are and how you are to fulfill your purpose on this earth? Do you recognize the gifts that the Father has entrusted to you to give away?

Let me encourage you; if you don’t know, seek Him to find out. If you do know, DO IT! Don’t spend one more day depriving the world of receiving the gifts that the Father wants us to receive through you.

Side note: the benefits to you will be phenomenal. J

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