Saturday, July 12, 2014

As a Man Thinks...

Proverbs 23:7 - “Come on and have some more,” he says, but he doesn't mean it. What he thinks is what he really is.

It is commonly quoted that as a man thinks, so he is. Let’s explore that…

In Proverbs 23 we see several warnings issued: be cautious in fellowship with those whom society has elevated, don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich, don’t be fooled by the generosity of those who are stingy, don’t try to talk sense into a fool, don’t hesitate to discipline your children, don’t envy sinful people, etc…

In verses 6-8 of this Proverb we see the warning about the generosity of the stingy man. We learn that his words may sound generous but what is in his heart is contrary. And, in fact, what is in his heart reveals who he truly is. Matthew Henry says this, “We are that really, both to God and man, which we are inwardly; and neither religion nor friendship is worth any thing further than as it is sincere.”

Our hearts reveal who we are. How many times have we heard in Christian circles “God knows my heart”? Well that is true! He surely does know our hearts and because of that we’d do well to make sure our hearts are pure before Him. In Psalm 51:17 the psalmist writes “The sacrifices God desires are a humble spirit--O God, a humble and repentant heart you will not reject.” A humble and repentant heart. In some translations the heart description is contrite, broken, penitent, or sorrowful. While many are concerned with having a good reputation among men, our attention is better focused on having a good reputation with our Father who knows and sees us intimately. He sees who we truly are and when we allow our hearts to be humble and repentant, we will not only please Him but we will treat our fellow man in ways that are God-honoring.

What a man thinks is what he really is. In your heart you may struggle with thinking in line with God’s word; believing you are less that what He says you are (see Psalm 139). You may also find yourself in a heart position that has you thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to (see Romans 12:2&3). Either way, ask the Lord to help cultivate a mind and heart in you that thinks and believes in line with His Word. When we do this, we are freed to be all that He designed us to be.
What do you think?

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