Monday, September 1, 2014

Keeper of the Castle (a Biblical meditation for the brothers)

In 1972 the American R&B singing group The Four Tops released a song called Keeper of the Castle. Although The Four Tops are not known for their theological teaching, this song has some significant spiritual meaning…meaning worth exploring. Sisters, feel free to keep reading. Brothers, be encouraged.

The Four Tops are speaking directly to our men, referring to them as the Keeper of the Castle and encouraging them to live up to their responsibilities within the home.

The song starts by telling the men that they all will endure hardship (see John 16:33 and 1 Corinthians 10:13) – that’s common. But they warn our brothers that while they are concerning themselves with those things in the world that are drawing their attention, the “leaves on your family tree are callin’ you to come home.” You see, as the keeper of the castle, you need to be a father to your children and a provider of their needs (see 1Timothy 5:8). You also need to be a protector that helps to guide them into their destiny (see Proverbs 22:6). You can’t get caught up in worldly events and neglect home.

The Tops go on to tell the brothers that if they don’t believe what the “Good Book” says, they are going to “strike out” because this world is seeking their destruction (see John 10:10a). They tell them that their family is of the utmost importance and to keep them in mind as they go about their business.

Finally, the Tops get into the marriage relationship. They tell them to be a good man to their wife, to bring sunshine into her day, to be a friend, and to lovingly tend to her as you would a garden (see Ephesians 5:25&28). Through this behavior, the man will keep his heart at home; resisting the temptation to infidelity.  

Brothers, may I piggy back on these words of encouragement? As the keepers of the castle – the priest within your home – I encourage you to take very seriously the responsibility to care for your children and wife. You have the opportunity to speak into the lives of your children and to raise strong men and women in Christ. In Ephesians 5, we see you as the head in your marriage. Cover your wife, protect her, love her!  And in 1 Corinthians 11, we see that Christ is your head. This is the key to fulfilling your role as keeper of the castle. You need Christ and your family needs you to follow the lead of the ultimate Keeper. The healthy success of your family largely depends on you.

Will you step up to the plate? Will you be a masterful keeper of your castle? I pray you will. I believe you can.

Blessings to you brothers!!!!

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