Monday, January 13, 2014

Giving and Receiving God's Good

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14

Upon initial reading of this verse, I felt I had a good grasp on the concepts the writer of this proverb was communicating: When you speak well, you experience the good things of which you speak. And when you work, you gain what you have worked for. Pretty simple, and a wonderful concept. But there’s more. Let me share with you Matthew Henry’s exposition on the passage and then share what stood out to me.

“We are here assured, for our quickening to every good word and work, 1. That even good words will turn to a good account (v. 14): A man shall be satisfied with good (that is, he shall gain present comfort, that inward pleasure which is truly satisfying) by the fruit of his mouth, by the good he does with his pious discourse and prudent advice. While we are teaching others we may ourselves learn, and feed on the bread of life we break to others. [We are further assured] 2. That good works, much more, will be abundantly rewarded: The recompence of a man’s hands for all his work and labour of love, all he has done for the glory of God and the good of his generation, shall be  rendered unto him, and he shall reap as he has sown. Or it may be understood of the general rule of justice; God will render to every man according to his work, Rom. 2:6”
There is a nuance in Henry’s commentary that I did not initially understand: the good words that a man speaks to others; the good he does though his pious (reverent, worshipful, and devoted) communications and wise and thoughtful advice—this will come back to him as blessings. He is filled with good things because he, through his words, gives away good things. Henry gives example that as we teach others, we are able to partake in the very bread of life God imparts through us! When we speak words of life and truth to others, the Lord can use those very words to speak life to us.

This can be a word of comfort to pastors and teachers who can sometimes get weary as they continue to faithfully walk in their calling—always giving to others and frequently in need of rejuvenation. I pray that the Lord would encourage your heart today as you prepare that sermon, write that curriculum, prep for a conference or counseling session, or whatever you have coming next. If you find yourself in a season of weariness, that you would sense the Holy Spirit ministering to you even as you faithfully prepare to minister to others or as you are in the midst of counseling and conversations. I pray that you will be filled with God’s good things even as you seek to impart His good to others.
Blessings to you.

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