Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Taking Inventory

I used to work in a shoe store and periodically we had to take inventory. We would have to count how many of each shoe or accessory we had in the store. Based on what we’d received from the different manufacturers and what we had subsequently sold, we knew exactly the inventory that we should have on hand. And it was not enough to just know that we had 25 pairs of boot—we had to know that we had 5 of this style, 8 of the other, 6 of a third and 6 of a fourth (in two different colors).

Similarly, the Christian needs to periodically take inventory of his or her spiritual “stock room”. What have you received from the Lord over the last month? Mercy, grace, provision, wisdom? Are you holding onto those things or are you giving them away? Unlike with retain inventory, where an item sold represents depletion in inventory, when the Christian who is filled with the Spirit God gives of himself, the Lord not only will replenish what is given away but we are also blessed with other wonderful things. In fact, according to Jesus’ teaching on the mountain (recorded in Matthew 5), when we are poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungry for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and persecuted for righteousness, He makes a deposit into our spiritual inventory! The kingdom of heaven, comfort, an earthly inheritance, provision, mercy, intimacy with God, and sonship are among the “inventory deliveries” He makes. 
You see, as we grow deeper in relationship with the Lord, by His Spirit, He is able to deposit into us His will and way. We begin to reflect Christ in manner and thought. We begin to love others…we humble ourselves…we seek His will. And when we are postured to love God and others, He then is able to make wonderful things happen in and through us.

So take an inventory. What is in you? What has the Lord deposited there? Are you using what He has given for His glory?
One last thing, every now and again we would get a notice from the corporate office that a product had been discontinued and was to be sent back to the warehouse. They no longer wanted that item to be sold by our retail stores. Check your inventory. Is there anything that the Lord no longer wants “sold” by you? Bitterness? Resentment? Anger? Hurt? Greed? Out of control ambition? Make sure your inventory is approved by the “Corporate Office” and that you are offering God’s best to those whom He allows to cross your path. If there is anything in you that He does not want you to have, give it to Him. He cares for you and is well able to manage all that you put into His care—freeing you to be your best for Him.

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