Sunday, November 3, 2013

7 Keys to a Successful Marriage

1. Love God more than anyone or anything else.
2. Be willing to grow together. 
3. Be into what your spouse is into (but have your own gig too)!
4. Be willing to hear about yourself from your spouse.
5. Be gracious and forgiving.
6. Love your spouse.
7. Like your spouse.
The 7 keys are not an exhaustive list of everything that can happen to contribute to a successful marriage. This list is compiled with full knowledge that circumstances may exist to hinder some positive things from taking place. Separation, tension in the marriage, differing belief systems, grieving over tragedy, and numerous other circumstances can throw a monkey wrench into the plan to build a successful marriage. However, these are some of the broad categories that make for a successful, God-honoring marriage and can be practiced, to varying degrees, in any marriage.
If you are not married, DON’T STOP READING! Before you get married, you need to date well. This means that you are dating with the end in mind: a successful marriage. These 7 keys should be in your mind as you are sorting through the barrage of men or women who want to date you. If you are an adult and dating just to “have fun”, I still encourage you to consider these keys.

As you read through these 7 keys, they are each designed to “unlock” a truth that is essential for your relationship. Yes, marriage is complicated and tough. Yes, some marriages did not start out on the right foot and now you are dealing with some rough realities. Yes, the 7 keys are ideal and all may not be attainable now. But the idea is that you have been given these tools to consider, to pray about, and to introduce to your marriage. If you are not already practicing the 7 keys, please don’t overwhelm your spouse with a “there’s a new sheriff in town” attitude and try to force all of these into your marriage. Rather, if you can, talk about them and see how each of you feels. And if in agreement, try some.
Lastly, if you are in a marriage where you believe things are dying, pray and ask the Lord for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in your marriage. As you feel His prompting, seek wise and godly counsel (James 3:17&18). Hold on to your faith and seek God to strengthen you (Galatians 6:7-9). And finally, wait on the Lord and be of good courage (Psalm 27:13&14).

Over the next 7 days, we’ll take a closer look at each one and I invite your thoughts on each.

Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook and post your comments about the 7 keys!

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