Lessons to be learned from P28:
When a person is in a position to do well for others, but by
his behavior he does more harm than good, it is like rain that ruins crops
instead of nourishing them.
“Sometimes God in his providence so orders it that that
which one got unjustly another uses charitably” – MH
Oh, the great freedom that comes from confession of sin!
There is a healing in the soul that takes place when we are honest with
ourselves and others. The covering of sin or blaming others does not bring with
it any form of lasting prosperity.
Reverence God. Recognize who He is.
A murderer is tormented…and rightfully so. They should not
be excused or pacified.
Treat all men honorably.
Wickedness and a position of power are a terrible
combination. Those who are subject to it cringe.
This ends our Proverbs series but you can read the devotionals
for P29, P30, and P31on this blog for January 29, 30, and 31 or you can read
them on Facebook on those same days by following this link: Simply
My prayer is that this series has served to increase
your wisdom and insight.